Thursday, December 11, 2014


“So that’s how I met him.” Shierra said.

“After resting at that tavern in Fieri, the last thing the gnome said that he will return.” She added.

Reis took a moment to digest the information. For the last hour or so, they slowed their ride to a leisurely trot, due to the insistence of Sabre. While the horse is catching its breath, Shierra told Reis of her background and of her quest to learn about her human father. She told him how she had literally stumbled upon the inquisitive gnome who had become her travelling companion ever since.

“Well then, what’s next?” Reis asked.

Shierra bit her lip and pondered about what she would say next.

“I was walking about, exploring the town. I saw a house, though it looked like many of the houses at the edge of town, this house somehow had piqued my curiosity.” She began.

“I was at the gates, and was about to step in when I was startled by him.” Shierra continued.

“Who was he?” Reis asked, interested.

“He was like my kin, though not exactly. A dark elf named Morohtar.”

Reis was definitely interested. One does not simply encounter a dark elf through casual passing. It was said that a dark elf is there to perform dark deeds, often hired by others to do so.

“He was meeting someone, and it so happened that the owner of the house was his contact. It was a goblin, whose name I can’t recalled at the moment.” Shierra added.

“A goblin and a dark elf, meeting in a desolate town.” Reis said.

“The next few moments were..difficult.” There was a change in the tone of her voice. “Those dead men at the town center, the brutes..they barged into the goblin’s house. Morohtar fought them off, and we escaped to the streets. He told me that somehow, the brutes were looking for me too. He told me to hide and flee when I can.”

“You ran to the stable?” Reis asked her.

“Yes. I was scared. There were buildings burning around me, and I ran the best I could to find shelter.” There was a paused. Reis heard Shierra taking a deep breath. He let her take as much time as she needed.

“And you met Rianna, the barmaid there, where she hid you beneath the floor space.” Reis said. Shierra nodded, affirming what she had told him before.

“She saved my life, Reis! While I was hiding, I can hear those brutes…ravaging her. They were looking for me. She could have let them find me, but she didn’t.”

Reis nodded slowly. He could hear the pain in her voice.

“It’s alright, Shierra. I mourn for her loss too.” He said.

They rode in silence after that. The sun was setting, and Reis steered Sabre off the road and into the woods. The woods were thin, and they stopped at a clearing. A small fire was lit and they rested as the day grew to night.

*             *             *             *

The sound of snapping twigs jolted Reis awake. He shot up and drew his sword, and in doing so woke Shierra from her sleep.

“Quiet.” Reis whispered sharply to her. Shierra nodded, and stood up with her staff in her hand. The night was clear with the moon bathing everything with silvery light, yet it was dark enough to conceal assailants. Reis trained his ears to the sounds around him. 

The sound of trodden leaves grew louder, and closer. Slowly, Reis’ trained hand grasped the hilt of his sword, and drew the blade. 

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