Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Catching Up

Esar, 11th day of the Nara, year of the 21st Water Lion
Note Reference Index: A0001-FE1-A0004

“Are you absolutely certain, Frederick?” Dashiel asked the poor man.

“Yes, young sir. Went with the big man on the Travellers’ Road.” Frederick replied. He definitely knew better the level of affirmation curious gnomes have. There he was at the stream, cleaning soot off some vials, ampoules, and various glassware when he was jumped upon by Dashiel. Startled, he jumped a foot high in the air.

“Let me confirm your story once more. Two nights ago a bunch of well-armed thugs burned houses down in this town to look for somebody, and they killed at whim, including Rianna the barmaid. Some lone figure slain them all and fled the scene, and the girl I was travelling with was hiding in the stables. Am I right so far?” the gnome asked. Frederick nodded enthusiastically, while picking up shards of broken glass.

“Yesterday a man on a black horse came to town, and organized the mass burial with the townspeople?” Dashiel said with one stubby finger pointed to the general direction of the cemetery. Frederick nodded again.

“This man, who was a customer of your fine establishment..or rather what was your establishment, then rode off with my travelling companion towards Nadaran?” Dashiel continued, with one eyebrow raised.

“Yes, sir. They left mid-morning. Said that he will find some ‘much needed answers’.” The old man explained to the scholar gnome.

Dashiel jotted some quick notes into the small leatherbound journal he always carried. He stowed the graphite stick and the journal away, and hefted his giant pack onto his shoulders.

“Very well then, Fred. Best I catch up to them.” The gnome said. He picked up his walking stick and jogged towards the Travellers’ Road.

“So our paths have indeed crossed.” Dashiel thought to himself. Excitement bloomed and he felt the invigorating rush that he always loved. He is one another adventure!

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