Monday, July 27, 2009

A Fleeting Moment

“Will I ever see you again?” Rianna asked. Her eyes welled with tears.

“Of course. I’m a journeyman, and I will make haste to see you whenever I’m here,” Reis told her.

The two of them stood by Reis’ mount in the stables. The young knight has enjoyed the civilization compared to the bare wilderness of his travel, but he is a knight errant, and he must move on to his next stop – the Sovereign City-State of Nadaran.

The City of Magi.

Sabre snorted, eager to get a move on. Two days of being hold up in the stable was enough for the horse. He was fed, freshly groomed, and the brass buckles of the saddle burnished. The saddlebags were refilled with fresh supplies, and the armour and everything else Reis possess were in order and accounted for.

“Whatever your quest is, I wish you all the best. I am but a simple serving girl; paled in presence of your lordship, but in my heart, I pray for your safety and quick return,” she told him.

Reis’ never had felt this way. He was suddenly humbled by this commoner who prayed for his safety. In all truth Reis had known that Rianna may has consorted with men before, nor this may not be the first time she has prayed for the safety of the man she has bedded, but somehow Reis has a feeling that what she has told him was more than just a play. An instinct told him that her intention was pure – for him.

“Don’t you say that! God does not listen only to prayers from the wealthy. If your heart is true, God shall grant your prayers – so I could safely, and quickly return to you,” Reis said, as he brushed off a rogue tear from her cheek.

Rianna managed a smile, and took Reis’ hands into hers.

“You are a lot..different from the men I’ve met. You’ve got a good heart, Reis,”

Reis took her into his embrace. The two stayed in the embrace for a few fleeting moment, then Reis let her go, and then mounted his horse. With a last sad look of goodbye, Reis nudged Sabre and the horse trotted once again onto the cobbled streets of Fieri.

As he passed through, the town was the same as the last time Reis remembered it yesterday, save for two differences – Frederick’s store was closed; and as he passed by a few shabby houses after that, one of them has a broken fence. Then Reis felt a faint presence of magic. It was the lingering residue of mana noticeable to those of the mage blood, or magic users. To Reis, the lingering mana is like the smell of a land after a thunderstorm – faint, yet clearly indicated that a magic user was here recently. Like before, Reis paid no heed to it, as he was certain a mage or two passes by Fieri en route to Nadaran to the north.

Moments later, Reis reached the Northern Gate of Fieri and the two guards nodded to him as Reis rode by. In front of him, a long stretch of road lay ahead, and the spires of Nadaran could be faintly seen in the distance, about two day’s journey on foot. Mounted, Reis would made considerable speed, and he liked that idea. Fieri was a charming little town for what was it is worth, but the City of Magi is truly a spectacular visit, and the young knight was very eager to reach it. With that thought, Reis set off towards Nadaran.

* * * *

It has been four hours since Reis has left Fieri. He stopped by a grove by the side of the road for rest. Under a shady tree, Reis stretched out his legs to ensure proper blood circulation after the hours on horseback. His stomach reminded him that it was due for the midday meal, and a quick glance at the position of the sun overhead confirmed that it was slightly after noon. Reis took the saddle off of his horse and let the beast graze on the green grass. From his saddlebag, Reis broke out a package wrapped in waxed paper. He unwrapped the paper to get to his meal – sliced roast beef, and some grilled vegetables.

Reis packed the remnants of the beef into his larder bag. Whilst going through his other bags, Reis found something that did not belong there; a small object rolled in a scarf. Carefully, Reis unraveled the scarf. The cloth smelled of Rianna’s hair, and the object that nested in it was a corked phial. A piece of parchment was rolled around the cylindrical phial. Unrolling the parchment, Reis saw a clear liquid, but upon closer inspection, the liquid was shimmering. The young knight could sense powerful magic infused within the liquid. He inspected the parchment. The package was indeed from Rianna – she knew that the attendant has saddled the knight’s horse for his journey today, thus she has slipped the package into Reis’ saddlebag he was having his breakfast.

There was writing on the parchment. Reis read the lines carefully;

Ancient stars shining the way,

Lighting the road of whence fate lay.

Moonlight’s silver calms the soul,

Sunlight paves the way in gold.

Life chances this fate to me,

The wind sings the songs of glee.

My crying heart sets within his,

Every moment a joyous bliss.

As the rain comes, so shall it leave,

Just another pattern of Fate’s weave.

A solemn heart, left alone,

No brighter shall the stars shone.

A prayer I seek, sincerely for him,

To be the light, when others dim.

For him I gave the Maiden’s Kiss,

For grave tidings when he needs this.

No other treasure I have to spare,

Only a sincere wish, for all to be fair.

His warm heart makes this fire burn,

And this longing heart awaits his return.

Reis read the poem again and again. Again, he felt something which he never had experienced before; he felt a kind of warmth spreading within him, glowing in his inside. The warmth uplifted his spirit, and renewed his vigor. He never felt more determined since he began to set foot on this quest from the gates of the White City. The feeling of being cared for is a wonderful sensation, and Reis knew that when he sleeps alone in the wild country,

he was never truly alone.

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